Section: April 27, 2023 | Vol. 28, Issue 16
CII to Meet With S&P DJI to Discuss Its Decision to Reopen S&P 1500 to Multi-Class Companies
In an April 25 letter to S&P Dow Jones Indices, CII expressed “surprise and disappointment” with S&P DJI’s recent decision to reopen the S&P 1500 Composite and component indices to companies with multiple share class structures.
CII Backs Bill Requiring Disclosure of Voting Power Distribution at Multi-Class Companies
CII in an April 25 letter generally supported the Enhancing Multi-Class Share Disclosures Act, H.R. 2795, which would amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require companies with multi-class stock structures to make certain disclosures in their proxy or consent solicitation materials.
CII Urges FASB to Make Accounting Changes in Wake of Bank Failure
In an April 27 letter, CII asked the Financial Standards Accounting Board (FASB) to add to its agenda the elimination of the held-to-maturity classification of debt securities and improvements to financial instrument disclosures about liquidity risk and interest rate risk.
Big Bank Shareholders Give Tepid Support to Most Environmental Proposals

Proposals asking four of the nation’s largest banks to adopt more environmentally friendly practices came to votes at annual meetings this week and in most cases, shareholder support was modest.
Upcoming Events at the SEC
The SEC will meet May 3 to consider whether to adopt amendments to improve disclosure about stock repurchases In December of 2021, the SEC proposed amendments to expand share repurchase disclosure, including more detailed and more frequent disclosure and to require companies to report using a structured data language. In March of 2021 CII sent a letter to the SEC supporting the proposed amendments.