Event Calendar

Friday, November 21, 2025

CII-NYU School of Law: Corporate Governance Bootcamp

Start Date: 11/20/2025 9:30 AM EST
End Date: 11/21/2025 5:00 PM EST

Venue Name: New York University School of Law

108 West Third Street
Lipton Hall (Located in D’Agostino Hall)
New York City, NY  United States  10011

Corporate Governance Bootcamp is a premium professional education program developed as a partnership between CII and New York University School of Law's Institute for Corporate Governance & Finance. The event will take place November 20-21, 2025 at NYU School of Law in New York. Online registration will open in July 2025.

The annual Bootcamp course is designed as a two-day program, with the first day of instruction covering foundations of corporate governance and the second day covering advanced topics in stewardship. Instructors include NYU faculty as well as seasoned practitioners, regulators, directors and activist investors.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call 202.822.0800 or email events@cii.org