
CII uses its member-approved corporate governance policies to advocate for best governance practices in a variety of realms:

CII Corporate Governance Policies
CII has developed a comprehensive body of corporate governance best practices on matters including executive compensation, CEO succession and board diversity. We also have policies on credit rating agencies and the independence of accounting standard-setters. Our policies provide a foundation from which CII advocates on matters of importance to members. They are best-practice guidelines but are not binding on CII members.

CII Advocacy Priorities
CII’s priority issues for advocacy for 2024 generally fall into three categories—investor rights and protections, corporate disclosure and market systems and structure—and are grounded in CII’s member-approved policies.

CII Correspondence and Testimony
CII writes to, and testifies before, federal agencies, legislators and legislative bodies, international governance organizations and other entities advocating for good governance practices rooted in CII’s corporate governance policies. 

Comment Opportunity Tracker
CII members seeking to elevate their engagement with regulators and other important market actors may use this page as a reference for near-term opportunities to comment on proposed rules and consultations affecting investors' interests, with particular focus on investor protection, transparency and corporate governance.