Section: November 16, 2023 | Vol. 28, Issue 42
Senators Urge Gensler to Reopen SEC Climate Disclosure Rule for Further Comment, Citing Key Differences with California Laws
Senators Hagerty (R-Tenn.) and Manchin (D-W.Va.) sent a letter to SEC Chair Gary Gensler urging the commission to reopen its climate disclosure rule proposal for additional public comment in light of California’s new climate reporting laws.
Senate Banking Committee Democrats Push Gensler to Issue Rules Requiring Lobbying Disclosure
Five Democratic members of the Senate Banking Committee sent a letter to SEC Chair Gary Gensler November 15 urging him to issue rules requiring public companies to disclose their lobbying expenditures.
CII Updates List of Public Pension Funds that Disclose Voting History
A CII staff review of the 40 largest public pension funds’ websites found that 18 currently disclose their voting history. The average number of years of this history disclosed is 7.4, ranging from one to 21 years. The CII board requested the review.
AMC Entertainment Holdings’ Shareholders Sink SOP Proposal for Second Year in a Row
?Shareholders voted down AMC Entertainment Holding’s say-on-pay (SOP) proposal for the second year in a row at the company’s November 8 annual meeting.
Dilligent’s Report Shows Key Voting Trends in 2023 Proxy Season
A new report by Dilligent Market Intelligence highlights proxy voting trends that emerged during the 2023 proxy season and points to an overall decline in support for ESG proposals by BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard.
As You Sow Finds CEO Pay Continues to Climb Dramatically
?As You Sow’s 10th “100 Most Overpaid CEOs” list linking excessive CEO pay to corporate performance finds that the average pay for the 10 “most overpaid” CEOs has skyrocketed 59% over the past 10 years
Fund Managers, Service Providers Discuss Hurdles to U.S. Funds Operating in E.U.
Panelists discussed challenges to launching U.S. funds in the European Union at a UCITS and AIFMD conference for U.S. managers November 7-8.
Biden Administration Finalizes Benefit-Cost Analysis Methodology
The Biden administration November 9 finalized updates to benefit-cost analysis methodology for rulemaking by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The new methodology is effective March 1, 2024.