Section: February 29, 2024 | Vol. 29, Issue 9
CII Files Rulemaking Petition Urging SEC to Solve Problems Related to Share Traceability
CII sent the SEC a petition for rulemaking February 29 urging the commission to consider technological solutions that would enable investors who purchase shares through traditional initial public offerings and direct listings to trace those shares to registration statements.
SEC To Vote on Long-Awaited Climate Disclosure Rules Next Week
The SEC posted a notice February 28 stating that on Wednesday, March 6, it will consider “whether to adopt rules to require registrants to provide certain climate-related information in their registration statements and annual reports.”
Judge Rules Proxy Advice Does Not Qualify as a Solicitation
A U.S. District Court Judge for District of Columbia February 23 ruled that the provision of proxy advice for a fee by proxy advisors should not be classified as a solicitation and the SEC’s roll back of the proxy advisor rules in 2022 was insufficient.
Chamber, BRT Seek to File Amicus Brief Supporting ExxonMobil’s Suit Against Proponents
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable filed a motion in U.S. district court February 28 seeking permission to file an amicus brief supporting ExxonMobil in its lawsuit against Arjuna Capital and Follow This.
Carpenters’ Proposals Seek to Build Momentum for Consequential Resignation Bylaws
The United Brotherhood of Carpenters has filed numerous proposals asking Fortune 500 companies either to adopt bylaws or to amend bylaws already in place that would alter their post-election processes when directors who fail to receive majority support tender their resignations.